Wednesday, April 18, 2007

And in Conclusion...

Gordon says that some of his advisers recommended that he stop handing out bananas after they heard complaints from residents. "I said, 'I'm not going to let Moore spin this against us,'" says Gordon. "We did this with the best intentions. I love bananas--they're full of potassium. They taste delicious and they're good for you. I've been eating bananas all of my life. Bananas are yellow and that's the color of our campaign. So I'm sticking with this." (clout city blog, april 2)

It's a nice quote, don't you think? He ties it all up with the color of his campaign. Yellow journalism, yellow-belly cowards, yellow jaundice, yellow snow, yellow jackets, yellow brick road, yellow fever, yellow submarine, yellow bile, yellow no. 5 and the all time classic - old yeller.

It's been a long campaign for everyone in Rogers Park. Especially for Joe. He's had to finally get up off His butt and listen to people. The race is close and I can only hope that once the dust settles today that a positive forward motion has been created. It's too bad that all the bloggers will have to find another dead body to create their feeding frenzy. They could focus on Skeletor's cadaver. He's full of potassium!

I started this blog with tongue-in-cheek and the intention that we all needed some laughter. Watching a blogosphere that believes that it is the only place where real social discourse takes place, but that's simply not true. We speak in our livingrooms and the local bars, on the buses and trains, on the street, in hushed voices and sometimes loud and screaming. We live with an outdated system that breeds corruption and rewards the person who can be heard the loudest. This election was not about issues and concerns. It was not about who is best qualified. It was not about a just and fair world. It was about Chicago politics as usual.

For all of those who blogged, claiming fair journalism, honest journalism and an independent voice - shame, shame, shame on you for mixing in the absurd, abusive and vile overtones that almost always accompanied your writings. Entries that could have been insightful and helpful if not so skewed with arbitrary hate. In this blog you know you're getting satire. Straight from the hip satire. No pretense that this is a blog on truth. No pretense that I am a journalist. Simple thoughts from a simple girl.

As of 9am, Wednesday, April 18.

Alderman 49th Ward 41 of 42 precincts counted 97.62%
Joe Moore 3,862 50.91%
Don Gordon 3,724 49.09%
Total 7,586

Monday, April 16, 2007

Difficult Burden of Citizenship

Democracy in Finland: The Intopii computer firm of Helsinki announced in February that it has installed software to assist voters, who, studies suggest, tend to select candidates who look like themselves. When a voter uploads his or her photo, the Web site will use facial-recognition software to find those among the 800 candidates in March parliamentary elections who most resemble that voter, to ease the difficult burden of citizenship in a democracy. [Reuters, 2-27-07]

Plans are already being made to implement the same software for Rogers Park voters who do not have the necessary intelligence to make an informed decision on their own. Even without the software, you can decide who to vote for based on this scientific approach. Do you look like Joe More or Skeletor? Vote!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Beware of Li Po Joe Syndrome

Death by Embracing the Reflection of the Moon

Chicago poet Li Po Joe is regarded as one of the two greatest poets in Rogers Park’s literary history. He was well known for his love of liquor and often spouted his greatest poems while drunk. One night, Li Po Joe fell from his boat and drowned in Michigan Lake while trying to embrace the reflection of the moon in the water.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Transparent Government

Will the REAL Republican please stand?

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Pro-Alcoholism Video Release from Skeletor

Well, I think Skeletor is losing it. He's really just gone over the edge to try and recruit the alcoholic voters in the neighborhood. They just released this pro-drinking video on youtube. Not only that, he's obviously trained his NASA monkey to drink alcohol. He is using him as the main character in this video. It's atrocious. It sends the message that you can drink all you want to because you need only wake up and start all over again.

If you ask me, this video has Mr. BH written all over it. I believe that he may have written the lyrics.