Monday, March 5, 2007

If Not Us, Then Who?

Indeed. If not us, then who? This is the question Joe asked all of us today at our first real staff meeting since the election. We are now faced with beating Skeletor Gordon in the run-off. I think a little more background on Mr. Skeletor is needed.

"Skeletor is a non-fictional character in the toy, cartoon and comic book series Masters of the Rogers Park ("MOTRP"), where he is the arch-enemy of Joe More and the main antagonist of MOTRP. He is the greatest threat to present day 49th Ward. He seeks to conquer the alderman's office so he can learn all of the 49th Ward's ancient secrets which would make him unstoppable, and which would enable him to conquer and rule all of Chicago. In the minicomic and neighborhood series, Skeletor's origin is unknown, but is implied that he was once Kukla, the brother of the King of Being Randy, though in the Michael J. Harrington Productions series, he is directly portrayed as such.

Skeletor's portrayal in the neighborhood has been generally comical, as the election forced voters to use villains mainly for comic value to keep the election suitable for young children. While he had a genuinely sinister personality in the beginning, as the election progressed Skeletor has behaved more and more incompetent, often bordering on a pantomime villain."

Scary stuff indeed. If we are to believe these reports then Joe's question just begged to be asked. If not us, then who will protect us for the bungling evil of Skeletor? I'm with Joe on this one.

The evil we know versus the evil that awaits us.