Friday, February 23, 2007

Despairity in the Neighorhood

We're down to the last few days before the election and things are heating up. I think the debates and the Chicago Tonight show were very telling about the candidates. And of course, I can't help but to notice the flood of mailers that Joe has been sending out. It seems that everyone else is jumping on His tree killing platform. For the record, I am an environmentalist.

Aside from the fact that Joe kills 1 tree per mailing, His content has gone dramatically downhill. Today I am going to evaluate the mailers we've been receiving. ( - you do the math)

1. Joe More leads the fight against saving trees. His invasive and voluminous mailers are making my life hell. See! Just being around Joe is making me swear. Not only does He kill trees, His content sucks. The mailer from yesterday features an icy lake androses. How do roses grow in an icy lake? In fact, I don't think Rogers Park has a rose garden at all. It does seem like Joe is saying that He's responsible for Spring, but only God is repsonsible for the weather. So where does Joe come off pretending He's God?

And the trite dribble that comes off the page in a saccharin-acid blood spatter that would make CSI proud, Joe goes on to exploit 7 new businesses that have cropped up in Rogers Park the last couple of years. 7 new businesses is not a revitalization. And despite the mailer, we do not live in Paris where one might find a "renaissance" or "blossoming" economic community.

Shame on you Joe for killing trees to produce such crap.

2. Skeletor's mailer from yesterday. Oh God, where do I start? First, it fell apart as my Mom tried to open it. After she glanced at it and threw it in the garbage, I took it for my evaluation. In his stupid introduction letter he jumps on the Ginderske band wagon and tries to lie about taking developers money. You see he's figured out that Ginderske is coming out ahead a little with remaining free from developer money, so he's pleding to not do it in the future. A place that doesn't even exist yet. However if you look at his D2 statements it's apparent that he's being bought by developers now, today, already. A lesson he stole from Joe. He just ends up coming across as a thief who doesn't have an original idea of his own.

He must pay a lot of money for all of that color yet his designers produce a rotten piece of rubbish that voters like my mom can't wait to throw out. Thanks Skeletor for making the lives of trees disposable. You come in second for WORST approach to saving trees.

3. We've only gotten a couple of spiritless mailers from Tepid Adams. However, my Mom and Dad have been complaining all week about the spam phone calls they got from this campaign. That whiney gnat voice droning on endlessly about something. I can't even remember what they told me he said. He ranks third in killing trees.

4. My parents got one small postcard from the Ginderske campaign. It's a typical postcard size mailer that appeared to economical in the use of killing trees yet gave three really good points about what he would do. My Mom said that she's going to vote for Ginderske. Since I can't vote it caused some problems between me and Mom. However, considering Joe has been killing 20 trees per day, I'm starting to see her reasons for a man like Ginderske.

Hey, I'm only 16 so I can't vote anyways, and this helps me and Mom to not fight. In two years I can vote but there won't be an aldermanic election that year. I should be able to vote for the next president. Rodney and I were talking about Barack Obama and whether he might get elected or not. I think Rodney looks a little Mr. Obama.

Tonight Rodney is taking me out for a little live theater. I'm not sure where we're going but I will let you know if we kiss again.