Saturday, February 24, 2007

Joejongilia: The Real Flower of the People

I have erred. The flowers used in Joe's mailer was actually the flower developed for Him by the infamous horticulturist and is named the Joejongilia. As reported by me, earlier this month Rogers Park central news agency carpet-bombed the neighborhood with declarations of Joejongilia's intergalactic dominion through His birthday celebrations.

In years past, Joe’s birthday has featured displays and design competitions of the red tulip, even synchronized swimming events with plastic Joejongilia props. This year, 30,000 Joejongilia flowers were massed in Rogers Park for a photo shoot. One occupational hazard of a tyrant’s job: it’s so hard to know where to draw the line.

30,000 flowers for one photo shoot is extreme. And I understand it can be hard for Joe to know where to draw the line because He can't see very well. And after listening to Him this morning, it's apparent to me that Joe is losing His marbles. Joe said in the same sentence that "development in the neighborhood is being driven market forces and we must be mindful of private property", while at the same time stating that He was waiting for a revolution. I can't decide if He's supporting Ginderske or those other guys. I'll need to have a conversation about the flowers and this kind of talk with Him later today.

And where did those flowers come from? Where did they go? I didn't even get one in the office. Rodney brought me a yellow rose last night for our date. We went to the Side Project Theater and had a very good time. He kissed me again! This time I felt his tongue. Oh my God. I can't tell Mom.