Thursday, February 1, 2007

Save the Neighborhood from Hipster Baby Clothes Boutiques..

Save the neighborhood from hipster baby clothes boutiques, greedy developers, and gigantic SUVs! This is what we'll get if Don Gordon is elected. I heard Joe talking with Kevin yesterday. It seems that Gordon denying that he's a white, rich, old man is just a way of trying to get everyone off the real issues. His Republican agenda is going to bring in even more SUVs than Joe's agenda. Today I counted 5, yes 5, Hummers going by Joe's office. I wish the Hummer owners would ship the Hummers off to Iraq and support Joe in his efforts to fight the war.

By the way, the developers that donate to Joe are not GREEDY. They just want what every developer wants - low investment, high return. This is why Joe works so closely with them. But if Gordon is elected than we will most likely see the introduction of all of the worse elements of a place like Lincoln Park. I don't want baby boutiques! I just want a Gap.

Oh and Mr. BrokenHeart thinks he so smart! He completely stole my idea of posting about the candidates contributions and expenditures. He must be terribly lonely to copy a high school teenage girl. But did you notice that he didn't include any links for you to go and explore on your own? Also, he completely left Adams and Gordon out of it. He must be working for Gordon. I heard through one of the many RP grapevines that Craig will be the attack dog for any candidate that offers him a job or money. Perhaps he should hang a shingle that says "Will Work for Booze". His nose is very large and red - a good sign of an alcoholic.

To get away from all of the RP bloggers, check this out:

I think that Joe should start cleansing. It would probably help Him with His digestive tract. He often complains of heartburn. But not yesterday when we ate our pastries. Again, we just laughed and laughed. I just adore Joe. Without Him, just think what our community would be like.